The Equal Education Law Centre made submissions to the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development on the Draft National Action Plan to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. The purpose of the submission was to focus on the need for School Governing Bodies, as well as teachers, to be recognised as central role-players in the implementation and success of the National Action Plan. The submissions focused on the statutory and constitutionally designated role of the SGB as a key role player in combating these systematic prejudices. This is especially as it relates to discrimination against foreign and LGBTI learners, the creation of racially integrated and diverse schooling and the integration of learners with learning barriers into mainstream schools.
The EELC welcomed the opportunity to provide input on the Draft National Action Plan, which, if correctly implemented, has the potential of serving as a solid platform from which to elevate collective action aimed at addressing intolerance, racism and xenophobia in South Africa.